Jl. Percetakan Negara XI no.129, Kelurahan Rawasari, Kecamatan Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570.
Telepon : (021) 4287 2556TELĀ
: 0813 8566 8887
Jakarta is the city where the Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia (YKAKI) foundation was born on November 1, 2006.
In 2012, YKAKI opened its first branch in Bandung, followed by Surabaya and Jogjakarta in 2013, in Makassar in 2014, in Riau in 2015, in Semarang and Manado in 2016.
RUMAH KITA accommodation facility in YKAKI Jakarta has a capacity of 50 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Jakarta has helped as many as 750 children and 1156 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Jakarta.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held in YKAKI Jakarta since 2010.
SEKOLAH-KU Jakarta has also collaborated with Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Gatot Subroto Hospital and Fatmawati Hospital since 2010 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Jakarta has provided education for 3536 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Jakarta also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Jakarta has held 83 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 11,387 participants, on various topics including early introduction to cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Ira Soelistyo
Pendiri / Ketua YKAKI
Aniza Mardi Santoso
Pendiri /Ā BendaharaĀ YKAKI
Rumah Kita Jakarta
Koordinator RK
Koordinator RK
Staf Administrasi
Operator Telpon
Sekolah - Ku Jakarta
Admin Sekolahku
Anjeliana Nucahyani
Guru Sekolahku
Wahyunita Ginting
Guru Sekolahku
Evertsen Douglas Talla
Guru Sekolahku
Guru Sekolahku
Nilla Sari Tamba
Guru Sekolahku
Guru Sekolahku
Siti Rahiyatul Yusfiati
Guru Sekolahku
Izzah Salsabila
Guru Sekolahku
TEL :Ā +62 22 6017 857
Ā :Ā 0882 9999 2323
YKAKI Bandung branch was established on December 12, 2012.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 18 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Bandung branch has helped as many as 391 children and 549 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Bandung.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Bandung branch since February 2014.
SEKOLAH-KU Bandung has also collaborated with RSUP Hasan Sadikin since 2014 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Bandung has provided education for 349 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals.
YKAKI Bandung branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties
Until October 2021, YKAKI Bandung branch has held 8 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 1800 participants, on various topics including early introduction of cancer in children
Pengurus & Staff
Maria Aquarina
KaCab YKAKI Bandung
Rumah Kita Bandung
Adam Aldera Fasha
Sekolah - Ku Bandung
Nur Fitri Rosyida, S.Pd
Wakil Kepala Sekolah-Ku
Sekolah Ku
Muhammad Ilham Wahyu Nugraha
Sekolah Ku
Jalan Mojoklanggru Kidul Blok H No. 30 Surabaya (60285).
TEL : (031) 595 5559
:Ā 0852 3619 8389
YKAKI Surabaya branch was established on April 11, 2013.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 18 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Surabaya branch has helped as many as 419 children and 496 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Surabaya.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Surabaya branch since December 2016.
SEKOLAH-KU Surabaya has also collaborated with RSUP dr. Soetomo since November 2013 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Surabaya has provided education for 602 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Surabaya branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Surabaya branch has held 9 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 2121 participants, in various topics including early introduction to cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Ira Soelistyo
KaCab YKAKI Surabaya
Rumah Kita Surabaya
Admin & Keuangan
Sekolah - Ku Surabaya
Sherly Zulfiani Rusfiana
Guru Sekolahku
Niswatul Khasanah
Guru Sekolahku
Purwosari Gang Tim tim D.09 RT 004 /RW 059 Sinduadi Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284
TEL : (0274) 881250,
: 0812 4680 9904
YKAKI Jogyakarta branch was established on December 12, 2012.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 18 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Jogyakarta branch has helped as many as 274 children and 229 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Jogyakarta.
Sekolah-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Jogyakarta branch since January 2014.
SEKOLAH-KU Jogyakarta has also collaborated with Sardjito Hospital since 2014 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Bandung has provided education for 462 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Jogyakarta branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Jogyakarta branch has held 15 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 2411 participants, in various topics including early introduction of cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Eka Wibawa
KaCab YKAKI Jogjakarta
Rumah Kita Jogjakarta
Andi Winahyu
Staff Admin
Maharani H.
Admin Keuangan
Retno Ratih
Sekolah - Ku Jogjakarta
Sekar Adi M.
Sekolah Ku
Hevi de Villanova
Sekolah Ku
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan 6 no.39, Tamalanrea Jaya, Makassar 90245, Sulawesi Selatan.
:Ā Ā 0851 4646 4246
YKAKI Makassar branch was established on July 17, 2014.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 13 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Makassar branch has helped as many as 178 children and 232 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Makassar.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Makassar branch since November 2014.
SEKOLAH-KU Makassar has also collaborated with RSUP dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo since 2014 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Makassar has provided education for 253 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Makassar branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Makassar branch has held 11 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 3248 participants, in various topics including early introduction of cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Nurul Hijeriyati
KaCab YKAKI Makassar
Rumah Kita Makassar
Erwin Sulkifli
Sekolah - Makassar
Kepala Sekolah-ku
Sulthan Fattah Rizqullah
Guru Sekolah Ku
Guru Sekolah Ku
Zakiyah Mutmainnah
Guru Sekolah Ku
Koordinator YKAKI
St Maryam Rauf
Koordinator YKAKI Makassar
Jl. Kartini no.56A, Sumahilang, Pekanbaru 28111, Riau.
TEL : (0761) 47950
:Ā 0761 47950
YKAKI Riau branch was established on March 5, 2015.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 15 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Riau branch has helped as many as 205 children and 236 parents / companions living in RUMAH KITA Riau.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Riau branch since April 2015.
SEKOLAH-KU Riau has also collaborated with Arifin Achmad Hospital since 2015 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Riau has provided education for 301 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Riau branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Riau branch has held 12 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 2970 participants, in various topics including early introduction to cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Elvi Riawanti SE
KaCab YKAKI Riau
Elfi Meiriza
Guru Sekolah Ku
Guru Sekolah Ku
Widyia Asmariza
Guru Sekolah Ku
Admin & Keuangan
Kompleks PJKA, Jl. Kedungjati No.4-6, Randusari, Semarang 50244, Jawa Tengah.
Telepon : (0247) 6441400
:Ā 0812 5939 7799
YKAKI Semarang branch was established on September 26, 2016.
RUMAH KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 22 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Semarang branch has helped as many as 206 children and 302 parents / companions who live in RUMAH KITA Semarang.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Semarang branch since December 2016.
SEKOLAH-KU Semarang has also collaborated with RSUP dr. Kariadi since 2016 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Semarang has provided education for 876 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Semarang branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Semarang branch has held 29 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 4702 participants, in various topics including early introduction of cancer in children.
Pengurus & Staff
Vita Mahaswari
KaCab Semarang
Rumah Kita Semarang
Fatwa Nirwana
Administrasi & Keuangan
Sekolah - Ku Semarang
Anissa Nur'aini
Sekolah Ku
Fitri Qodiyah
Sekolah Ku
Firnanda Rizky
Sekolah Ku
Alinfia Amalia
Sekolah Ku
YKAKI Manado
Jl. Tountemboan, Malalayang 1 Barat, Manado, Sulawesi Utara.
TEL : 0431 729 3399
: 0853 9445 9575
YKAKI Manado branch was established on October 22, 2016.
Until 2021, rumah KITA's accommodation facility has a capacity of 9 beds to accommodate children with cancer with 1 companion each.
As of October 2021, YKAKI Manado branch has helped as many as 61 children and 81 parents/companions who live in RUMAH KITA Manado.
SEKOLAH-KU educational facilities have been held at YKAKI Manado branch since February 2014.
SEKOLAH-KU Manado has also collaborated with RSUP Prof .Kandau since 2014 to carry out Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) in hospitals for children with cancer and children with other chronic diseases.
As of October 2021, SEKOLAH-KU Manado has provided education for 28 children in RUMAH KITA and Hospitals, from Early Childhood to High School levels.
YKAKI Manado branch also carries out educational socialization activities in collaboration with various parties.
Until October 2021, YKAKI Manado branch has held 12 educational socialization sessions attended by a total of 2708 participants, in various topics including early introduction to cancer in children.
dr.Meylan Daisy M
KaCab YKAKI Manado
Achmad Nuri
Wakil KaCab YKAKI Manado
Pengurus YKAKI Manado
Admin YKAKI Manado