• The @aksi10,000 coupon was launched in 2007 as a form of fundraising for the procurement and operating costs of transit homes RUMAH KITA and SEKOLAH-KU (Our Home and My School)
  • Operational costs include the cost of household needs, maintenance of the transit houses and its equipment, My School: teachers’ salaries, equipment etc for teaching and learning activities of My School.
  • Donate by buying coupons / vouchers worth Rp.10,000 (ten thousand rupiah) or multiples of the coupon’s value.
  • The donor's name is recorded for donation reporting purposes.
  • Coupon numbers are required to avoid misuse by unauthorized parties.
  • How to donate @ksi10,000:

1Contact the nearest YKAKI branch (Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Riau, Makassar, Manado).
2Buy coupons
3.membeli kupon secara online.
4YKAKI will inform you the coupon number @ksi10,000 that has been purchased, via email or WA.
5YKAKI will report donations @ksi10,000 through the website.


  • Transfer cash directly to the account of the respective the YKAKI branch.
  • Send proof of transfer to the email of the respective branch.
  • YKAKI will send you an e-receipt via email or WA.
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