YKAKI was founded with the vision that every child in Indonesia suffering from cancer has the right to receive the best treatment and therapy, as well as the right to learn and the right to play even when sick.

• Providing "Awareness" about cancer in children to the wider community, including doctors in PUSKESMAS, PKK cadres, Paramedics, schools and other general public.
• Supporting government programs and complementing the activities that have been carried out by various organizations, amongst others by providing shelters, education in hospitals, transportation, helping to "chase after" patients who do not continue treatment, and implementing "awareness/education" to the general public.
• Raising funds and support from various parties who "care about cancer in children" to support activities of YKAKI.
Created by : Notary G.Handoyo Hermawi SH, No.1 date. Nov 1, 2006.
Authorized by : Dep. Hukum & Ham No.C-2702.HT.01.02 yr 2006 Dated 20 Nov 2006.
Amendment : Notary Hadijah SH No. 04 Dated January 6, 2011
Registered : KemenkumHukHam No. AHU-AH.01.08 – 411 Dated June 7, 2011
Change : Notary Makmur Tridharma SH, No.09 date. July 16th, 2012
Registered : KemenkumHukHam No. AHU-AH.01.06 – 1067 Dated 12 Nov 2013
Amendment : Notary Suryadi SH No. 30 Dated December 12, 2014
Registered : KemenHukHam No. AHU-AH.01.06 – 94 January 13, 2015
Amendment : Notary Suryadi SH No. 11 Dated January 23, 2017
Registered : Suku Dinas Sosial PemKot. Jaksel No. Dated August 30, 2012
NPWP : 02.143.531.8-016.000 Kanwil DJP Jakarta III Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Jaksel.
Domicile : No. 3/27.1BY/ dated November 9, 2017
Jl. Percetakan Negara XI No. 129, Rawasari Village, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta 10570.