- Treatment and therapy of cancer patients takes an average of 3 months – 2.5 years at a very high cost. Meanwhile, the success of recovery depends greatly on the continuous treatment and therapy for both inpatient and outpatient.
- During the treatment and therapy process, children with cancer will experience vulnerable conditions due to decreased immunity, thus the correct handling and care are needed.
- The number of bed facilities in hospitals that have Hematology / Oncology (malignancy) services in each region is still very limited. Generally, patients from remote areas are sent directly to national referral hospitals (Jakarta) or referred to several government hospitals in several other provinces;
- However, many patients who come from less affluent families and have been supported by the government through JKN / BPJS do not continue treatment due to accommodation problems, living expenses or transportation while waiting for their children to seek/receive treatment in hospitals.
- YKAKI provides temporary housing facilities (shelters) for pediatric patients with cancer with 1 (one) companion, for as long as needed.
- RUMAH KITA shelter facilities are intended for patients from less affluent families who are forced to leave their hometowns to undergo treatment and therapy over long periods.
- Like a residential house, RUMAH KITA provides comfortable sleeping facilities, eating, bathing, washing, adequate worship space for all residents.
- RUMAH KITA is also equipped with learning and playing facilities for children.
- RUMAH KITA YKAKI transit houses are in 8 (eight) citiesJakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Riau, Makassar, Manadowhich are all run with the same operational standards.
- Procurement, maintenance and all operational costs of RUMAH KITA are obtained mainly from the collection of donations of @ksi10.000 as well donasi non-tunai in-kind donations from concerned donors.
1.Pediatric patients who have beensuspector positively diagnosed with cancer or tumors;
2.Pediatric patients aged 0-18 years ;
3.Pediatric patients have received referrals for outpatient and/or inpatient hospitalization;
4.Pediatric patients have registered / have JKN / BPJS;
5.Pediatric patients aged 0-5 years can be accompanied by both parents, while pediatric patients aged > 5 years can only be accompanied by 1 companion (parents or other closest family);
6.Parents or companions MUST:
- Fill out the registration form.
- Comply with applicable regulations.
- Actively maintain and care for the cleanliness of RUMAH KITA, cooperate with other residents: wash their respective eating and drinking utensils, their bed linen and clothes, take care of all furniture and utensils in the transit house.
- Maintain order and security in OUR HOME and surrounding environment, either alone or together and in mutual cooperation with other parents / companions.
7.SMOKING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the house and on the premises.
8.Meet the living fee of Rp.5.000 per family per day.